• One word for a healthy, active life: MOTIVATION.

    Here's how:


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  • One way to get rid of frizzy hair is to shampoo your hair normally and make sure to rinse all the shampoo out of your hair. then mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a little water in a cup. pour it all over your head, so it covers all of your hair. leave it in for 10 minutes and then rinse your hair with cool water. then continue and condition your hair as you would normally. do this once a week only. some other ways to prevent frizzy hair are by drying your hair naturally or with a towel and not using a blow dryer and use a wide tooth comb when your hair is wet instead of a brush.

    How To Get Rid Of Frizzy Hair

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  • Not A Beauty Tip, just another helpful advice <3


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  • Theres not really a specific way to get taller, since a lot of it has to do with genetics but these are a few ways that might help. first, eat a balanced diet. a person will look a lot shorter if their not as fit. not only will this make you appear taller but healthier as well. also make sure to get a good nights sleep every night. sleeping is when your body grows, so if your not getting a lot of sleep you wont be growing as much as you should. try to get 9-11 hours of sleep each night if your under 20. you can also wear dark colored clothes. wearing dark clothes makes you look slimmer and looking slimmer makes you look taller. vertical stripes work as well

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